Why Choose Sustainable Packaging For Cosmetics Industry

Written by robin on June 24, 2022
There's always an excitement about receiving a gift or shipping package. Many of us wait eagerly to receive our ordered goods for days. And gifts? Who doesn't love to receive gifts! Everyone enjoys the excitement of receiving a gift and being able to open it to see what's inside. 

There has been a recent increase in shipments, which has increased the number of shipping materials necessary. From padding materials to the boxes that carry these goods, a variety of packaging elements are used to send these things. With the increase in transported goods, there has been a natural desire for environmentally friendly and sustainable packaging. With environmentally-conscious purchasing becoming the new standard, the benefits of utilizing sustainable transportation materials are vast.

COVID-19 caused a 49 percent rise in e-commerce sales in April, and online businesses have been scrambling to meet the increasing demand for shipments since then. In addition to employing more boxes or bags, more excellent in-box protection is being employed to ensure that the shipment contents arrive safely at their destination. This additional packaging may increase consumer waste if the materials are not correctly disposed of.

What is sustainability?

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Sustainability is addressing our own demands without endangering the future generations' ability to meet their own. Humans require social and economic resources in addition to natural resources. Environment friendliness isn't the only aspect of sustainability. Concerns for social fairness and economic development are found in most definitions of sustainability. 

Environmental, economic health, human life, and vitality are all benefited by sustainable practices. Sustainable environment activities say that resources are finite and should be used carefully and wisely, with a long-term goal set on priorities and implications of resource use. Mainly sustainability is concerned with our future generations and the earth we will leave them on.
Now, what are sustainable products? Sustainable products are those that meet the characteristics of sustainability. Characteristics of sustainability are:


Sustainability creates objects with a long-life span and no negative environmental impact. They are respectful in every way. From sourcing raw materials to signing a contract, the fabrication of the piece, its distribution, and use until the product is phased out.

2.Dual focus:

 Sustainable products have a dual focus, which means they consider human and environmental factors. A product will be sustainable if it is responsible for the working conditions and human rights of the people who make it and the environment in which it is extracted and created.

3.Global impact:

The impact of sustainable production is felt all across the world. It promotes fair business. They benefit the people and societies that produce them by allowing them to grow socioeconomically and improve their quality of life. Sustainability refers to an effort that has favorable outcomes throughout the world.

What is sustainable packaging?

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Sustainable packaging minimizes the environmental effect by employing renewable, reusable, and recyclable materials and techniques.
Non-biodegradable plastic can be reduced, if not totally eliminated, from the environment by using sustainable packaging. The best aspect is that the raw material comes from environmentally friendly sources, including vegetable fats and oils, food waste, corn starch, wood chips, etc. Furthermore, the energy used to create the final product for some of the elements comes from the trash. 

In the case of softwood, for example, the residual wood chips are used to generate energy after the cellulose has been harvested. Sustainable packaging aims to fulfill the industry's economic and functional needs while also being environmentally friendly. It's one of the many green movements that have sprung up in recent years to help businesses minimize their carbon footprints.

Why should we use sustainable packaging?

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Reducing carbon footprint

People can lower their carbon footprint by using environmentally friendly packaging. Humans are concerned about the state of our world and want to feel as though they are contributing to its well-being. When businesses provide that chance, people are glad to take advantage of it. This type of packing can sometimes be more expensive, but many people believe it is worthwhile. Manufacturers using this type of packaging stand to earn a lot of money. Companies that see others prosper may be inspired to follow the example, which would benefit the environment.

Reducing the use of natural resources

Those who care about the environment will try to reduce their use of natural resources. Businesses and individuals lacked options for a long time, but that is no longer the case. Materials that are recyclable or recycled are used in eco-friendly packaging. Various companies produce recyclable packaging that is both flexible and sustainable, which is fantastic. Certain materials are tough to recycle, but products like these are much easier to recycle. Producers do not need to use fresh, natural resources if they recycle their output. A planet in trouble must protect its raw materials.

Natural Habitats Protection

Sustainable packaging can also assist in the preservation of natural environments. The truth is that businesses that utilize harmful packing materials are indifferent to the environment. When they require natural resources, they take them regardless of the consequences. Damage to the natural environment of countless animals and insects occurs from time to time. This is a major issue for them. It causes them to migrate to regions where they may not be able to live; they will be confronted with predators for which they are unprepared. Wildlife is struggling to find a safe haven, yet sustainable packaging may hold the key to their survival.

Getting Rid of Allergens and Poisons

Allergens, poisons, and toxins are rarely found in sustainable packaging. This is significant because it means that these toxins or allergens will not enter the global ecology. They don't go into oceans or waterways, and they don't get eaten by an innocent animal. It's easy to understand how something like this may strongly influence the ecology and the world. Companies and individuals involved in the creation of this type of packaging will be pleased to know that they are helping to solve a problem. People benefit from packaging that is free of these toxins and allergies because many of these toxins and allergens end up in people's food.

Combating the Waste Disposal Issue

For the planet, waste is a major issue. Sustainable packaging has the potential to make a significant difference. Packaging generates extra garbage, which typically does not decompose because it is not biodegradable. It merely enlarges the dumping grounds. 

The good news is that sustainable packaging is usually biodegradable, which means it will degrade more quickly. This is excellent news for the environment, as these trash sites are a major source of pollution. Additional concerns, such as pest infestations, may arise due to waste dumps. The world already has too much garbage, but this form of packaging could help.

Creating a Long-Term Domino Effect

Sustainable packaging has an effect that should benefit the environment as well. Third parties who work with these companies will have to do the same when more of them develop.

Customers want to know where their items come from, especially the packaging. They don't want to discover that they've collaborated with a non-sustainable third-party company. Third-party companies will be forced to follow suit as a result of this. This will only continue to expand, which is healthy for the environment.

How it can boost your business with it?

Why should you go for environmentally friendly packaging? Because packaging is the first thing a customer sees when looking at a product, it is the key to a customer's heart. Its design expresses the label's essential beliefs. It should not be overlooked, especially if a firm wants to portray itself as a "green" brand on the market.

The market for environmentally friendly packaging is rapidly expanding. The sustainable packaging industry was valued at US$233.82 billion in late 2017. It is expected to reach US$341.72 billion by 2023, with a CAGR of 6.53 percent.

Researchers from a variety of industries are collaborating to find the best answer for sustainable packaging — and making plastic biodegradable — by attempting to develop alternative types of packaging that have no or minimal environmental impact.

To become more environmentally friendly, several large brands are implementing sustainable packaging. Many of the businesses on the list have come up with innovative ways to incorporate sustainability into their goods.

ASOS is a well-known e-commerce company. While few of its products are environmentally friendly, the company has prioritized packaging waste reduction in its environmental practices.

The company has changed the thickness of its iconic black and white mailer bags by ten to twenty microns. This slight improvement resulted in a reduction of 583 tonnes of plastic in their annual footprint. ASOS has also established a closed-loop system with its packaging manufacturer to collect returned packaging and incorporate it into the new shipping bags to become a circular fashion company.

According to Forbes, eco-friendly packaging is the way of the future for the cosmetics sector. Reynolds Group, Tetra Laval International SA, Huhtamaki OYJ, Genpack LLC, Tetra Pak International SA, Sealed Air Corporation, Bemis Company Inc., Berry Global Inc., and The Mondi Group Plc. are among the prominent brands in the global sustainable packaging market.

 According to the analysis of transparency market research, the global sustainable packaging market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 5.3 percent, reaching a market value of US$ 52.1 billion by 2026.

Sustainable cosmetic packaging Industry

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Each year, the beauty sector creates 120 billion packaging units.

During a recent webinar to mark her Plastic Free Beauty Day effort, Yolanda Cooper, founder of skincare brand We Are Paradoxx said, "95 percent of the packaging gets thrown out after one usage."

This UK firm uses aluminum for all its bottles, tins, and lids, meaning that 90 percent of its packaging is plastic-free. The company is also a member of 1 percent "For The Planet," which donates one percent of its annual income to environmental organizations and collaborates with manufacturers who reduce their carbon impact.

Customers prefer sustainable packaging for cosmetics. So, companies are trying to be more sustainable as days go by.
Biocosmetics and eco-containers are progressively gaining acceptance in the personal care market. Even though good product design and packaging retain and enhance brand image, many beauty corporations rely on unsustainable chemicals. Despite the growing awareness of sustainability in recent years, plastic remains a dominating element in the cosmetics industry.

Traditional cosmetic firms justify their in-house decisions on the topic by citing the cost of plastic and the difficulty of storing liquid products. Sustainable packaging cosmetics are starting to catch up to their plastic predecessors, thanks to innovative technology and the acknowledgment of ecological materials! Every day, a growing number of globally famous brands issue statements announcing their strategic plan to implement environmentally friendly practices. Beauty industry leaders use sustainable cosmetics packaging to attract customers' attention to their brand.

Consumers anticipate purchasing sustainable cosmetic packaging that matches their expectations of product substance, variety, and qualities as eco-friendly cosmetics develop. Because they are recyclable, reusable, and/or biodegradable, eco-friendly bags and containers benefit the environment in the long run. Putting a high-quality bio beauty product in a plastic container is irrational and unreasonable, as it undermines the fundamental premise of sustainable cosmetics.

And to be honest, it makes a brand appear untrustworthy and deceitful. If the business is ready to make tons of non-recyclable plastic containers that would damage nature for hundreds of years, the investment in natural substances, bio procedures, and the lack of animal testing would not be justified.

Ask yourself, is it really sustainable if sustainable cosmetics don't come in sustainable packaging?


Other industries are starting to practice sustainability, not just the cosmetics industry. So, it's high time for your business to make your company as sustainable as possible. 

Many companies sell sustainable cosmetic packaging. Among them, Pkgmaker has one of the best packaging services. They are a global packaging company that sells different types of packaging all over the world. They sell custom sustainable cosmetic packages at a reasonable price. So, contact them now if you want sustainable packages for your companies!
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Article written by Carl Phillips

Carl Phillips is part of the content team at Pkgmaker where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.

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