Flexible Packaging Manufacturer

Custom flexible packaging is the best way to get your products on shelves fast! We've got over 40 years of experience in this field, and now you can order custom pouches with ease. The process couldn't be simpler: just tell us what kind or size pouch & film combo will work for packaging needs - we'll take care of all the details so that delivery arrives quickly at customers' doors without any hassle whatsoever.
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Why Choose Us?

From the moment you place your order, PKGMAKER will help create a professional brand for your products. With our first-of its kind online solution and state of the art production facility, we can provide high quality flexible packaging at any quantity or tooling costs! We also offer custom printed packages that are ready in as little time frame which means a faster turnaround time - 72 hours from approval.

Our Team

PKGMAKER has a great team that is dedicated to providing the best products and service. We realize you may need your packaging fast, which is why we ship them out as soon as they're ready! We pride ourselves on our unbelievably fast shipping, friendly customer service reps and talented designers who collaborate together to provide you with high quality flexible packaging at prices lower than anywhere else!
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  • Kenneth Ma
    Kenneth Ma
    Kevin Zheng
    Kevin Zheng
    Quality Coordinator
    Karen Lin
    Karen Lin
    Shipping Coordinator
  • Ken Wang
    Ken Wang
    Design Manager
    Louis Zhang
    Louis Zhang
    Production Coordinator
    Kelly Chen
    Kelly Chen
    Sales Manager
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Our Customers

As a flexible packaging maker, we have worked with many of the world's biggest businesses as well as many great organizations. From food brands to entrepreneurs who are just starting out and looking to make money by selling their own brand - you can count on us for all your needs! We want to make sure that your packaging design is a reflection of who you are and what inspires your customers. We give every customer the attention they deserve, no matter how big or small their order size might be!
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